PSC80-23 Mixed shape 80 shots Compound Colosseum F2

Item No.: PSC80-23
Shape  : MIX+MIX
Packing: 1/2
Powder: 889.6g
Shots  : 80s (40+40)
Tube size:25*30*175mm
Item size :  360*240*185mm
CAT. :F2
D.C  :1.3G
A:red tail burst ti-gold coco blue star red strobe
B:green tail burst green yellow dalia white strobe
C:blue tail burst red blue dalia white strobe
D:red tail burst ti-gold coco to red
E:green tail burst ti-gold coco to green
F:red tail burst gold spider red strobe white strobe.

A:orange tail burst ti-gold coco orange
B:green tail burst ti-gold coco to green red strobe
C:blue tail burst ti-gold coco to blue gold strobe
D:red tail burst brocade crown to red
E:green tail burst brocade crown to green 
F:blue tail burst ti-gold coco to chrys sky blue dalia